1924 Indian Chutney

Honorable mention in the 22 Mar 1924 Mirror (reference)


  • 2 lb (900g) green apples

  • ½ lb (225g) plum jam

  • ¼ lb (110g) brown sugar

  • ¼ lb (110g) raisins

  • 1 oz (28g) ground ginger

  • 1 oz (28g) garlic

  • 1 ½ pints (900ml) vinegar

  • cayenne pepper


  1. Pass the apples, raisins and garlic through a mincing machine.

  2. Place them together with the other ingredients in a stone jar and stir well

  3. Place them in a good hot oven where it must remain for 6 hours approx. until it becomes a pulp.

  4. Bottle it well. It can be used as soon as it is cold.

Submitted by Mrs W.E. Murray, Gill-street, East Fremantle